
Learning game | Collaboration platform | Learning through games | Responsive teaching game| Assessment Tools through answering questions, discussions or polls.


It can be a test before or after teaching. To test students’ understanding before or after teaching

The benefit for teachers is that it is a tool to help evaluate students’ learning. before or after the instruction
The benefit for students is that they can assess themselves on how much they understand the content they have learned.

In order for students and teachers to participate in the class, the benefit for teachers is to create participation activities between teachers and students.
The benefit for students is that students are encouraged to teach in order to avoid boredom in class.

This is to attract the attention of students to participate in the class. As the Kahoot program is similar to games, classroom competitions may be held. for students to have fun with the content they learn

The benefit for teachers is that students are attracted to the content that teachers prepare to teach.
The benefit for students is that students participate in teaching and learning activities. and be able to understand the content of the course more

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