
Create infographic | Multimedia Interactive Poster |
Express ideas with ease by combining images, graphics, audio, video and text on one digital canvas.


Glogster’s online editor lets users arrange images, graphics, audio, video and text on a single page to create multimedia posters. It also provides access to 10,000 original graphic elements.

The Glogpedia Library is an ever-growing collection of glogs. selected based on accuracy and presentation and is divided into 80 subjects under 9 curriculum-based subject areas.

Glogster is used in place of traditional poster assignments. and shows that the poster maker Versatile.

Used as a learning and teaching tool to promote higher-order thinking skills. Creating a poster or gag allows learners to engage closely with the topic. Practice critical thinking and research skills in choosing the right media and creative skills in structuring and arranging finished pieces.

Tutorial Video
